Tuesday, October 25, 2005

have I mentioned that I hate portfolios?

So I've been working on this dumb portfolio for about 5 hours straight (with the exception of a short Taco Bell break) and I'm tired of it. I hope someone likes it and I get a good score.

I'm not so worried about the interview anymore. (Ask me again tomorrow.) I think it helps to talk to someone more worried than you are. Sometimes knowing what's coming is worse than not having any clue. I wouldn't want to be totally in the dark though. I'm sure I'll survive tomorrow, in any case. Wish me luck!

I think I need to go to bed soon. I have been staying up way too late reading the past two nights. Good news is that I finished the book! But once I start reading a book, it makes me want to read another one... I happen to have a few sitting around that I haven't read yet. I might have to wait for a weekend though.

So, um, that's more than I meant to write. I'm going to bed.


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