Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm awake . . . what more do you want?

I actually got out of bed before noon today! What an accomplishment . . . If I wasn't reading such a good book, I'd probably get more sleep. I'm reading Memoirs of a Geisha, on Tara's recommendation. Plus, I want to see the movie after I'm done reading.

I have baseboard trim in my room now. It's in, the holes are filled, and I sanded and painted them yesterday. I would be totally done with my trim painting if my window's stain didn't keep coming through the latex paint. Now I have to use KILZ to stop it. Ew. So I'm pretty sure that by the time I leave, it will somewhat resemble a normal bedroom. I'll post pictures when it's done and clean.

Well, I'm off to rearrange stuff in the attic. If I'm not back in 2 days, send a search party.


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