Monday, February 13, 2006

parent conferences

Well, we had one parent not show up today for conferences, so we didn't get to start meeting with parents until 3:45. The parents were all so different from each other, from some who came with an arsenal of excuses, to others who I thought would start the physical beating right in front of us. I guess one big difference is that only one time was the kid actually present. I think being there with 6-8 teachers and your parents all in one room kind of puts the fear of God in kids.

We'll see what tomorrow is like at school. Valentine's Day will be crazy. The cheerleaders sold 4,000+ carnations that will all be delivered during homeroom tomorrow. I'm not sure what we're going to do with that many flowers. Let's hope that they're mostly going to 7th and 8th graders . . .

I'm going to go finish watching The Fellowship of the Ring (extended edition). I started it Saturday night, watched some earlier tonight, and will finally finish both DVDs. (This isn't the first time I've watched them.) Hopefully tonight I will sleep all the way through the night and not wake up at 3:00 thinking it's time to go to school. That's when I actually got up and got a shower today! I'm losing my mind . . .


Unknown 1:34 AM CST  

Hi Carrie! I wish I could have seen those cranes while I was there! Bill was trying to go see them while he was around. Parent teacher conferences are weird ha: it seems like they can be the biggest problem sometimes. Anyway, hope you have a good rest of the week!

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