Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It's 10p and I'm soooooo tired. I took a 2-hour nap this afternoon and woke up when Jaclyn called around 8. I feel ready to go back to bed. This doesn't make any sense because all I did today was sit and grade papers.

I finished teaching yesterday and now the teacher is doing a review and TCAP prep that will go through tomorrow. So I just sat at the desk grading, recording, and entering grades from the homework that was due today. It was nice to have that done before school was over so I didn't have to grade all afternoon.

I just finished printing the rest of my graduation announcements so I can get them in the mail tomorrow. Now all I have to do is graduate!

Jaclyn and I are off on Friday to Pisgah for our 5-year reunion. She's playing the organ for church and we're staying at the Cooks' house. I hope quite a few members of our class show up. It will be fun to see what everyone is doing. Up until now it wasn't that interesting because we were pretty much all in school. By now, most people that went straight to college have either graduated or are graduating soon, so our lives are a little more interesting. I think I have been at all of the alumni weekends since I graduated except for 2004.

Well, my closed eyelids are preventing me from doing much more. I guess it's time to go back to sleep. Yay! Last day of school for the week!!!


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