memories from camp
I have been working on this post since last week . . . Grr, uploading problems . . .
Well, I haven't done anything very interesting in the last few days, so I decided to post some of my favorite pics from camp that I had with me on a CD. I printed about 50 pictures at Walmart to put in an album, so I had fun looking through them all again.This picture is from the Sunday of staff week. We were all given letters on our feet and raced each other to spell words or phrases that were called out. I had fun documenting the chaos. I can't remember who the "C" is in the picture, but the others are Josh Kanen (A), Teresa Hennen (M), and Daniel Howell (P).
Our Thursday night skit was called "Native Nosocans." The skit was 1/3 creation story, 1/3 acceptance of other people who are different from you, and the last 1/3 I didn't understand. Parts of it were funny though. One interesting thing to note was that most of our "Indians" were Hispanic. This particular one was called Chief Opiehontas, aka Opie Vallejo.
The best evening skit was Miners' Camp, in my opinion. Josh and Chris were hilarious. I think the kids really enjoyed it. The skit started at line call where kids went to the field to play some games. We then followed the two main characters through the RV park, where they experienced all kinds of misfortune. They get hit with water balloons, have flour dumped on their heads, get more water thrown at them, their hats are stolen, and they get to the town where the last hotel room has been given away. They pray and in the end, they find gold in the Lost Creek Mine.
This is Buick (before his unfortunate haircut). He's a Belgian and lives in a pasture with Bertha, the other Belgian. They live right next door to Mini Pearl, a miniature donkey. The size difference is pretty funny when you see them side-by-side. This picture was on my desktop at camp and has been on my desktop at Highland. I just like the picture.
My favorite evening of the week was Wednesday. We all headed out to the RV park for a picnic supper, then moved up to the barn for Ranger Rick's Wild West Show & Congress of Rough Riders of the World. Events included the keyhole race, partner switch (switch places on horseback), barrel racing, tomahawk throw, relay races, breed show, and others I can't remember. The staff were allowed to do two of the events, barrel racing and the gun shoot (nerf guns with needles to try and pop balloons). I did barrel racing during Adventure week and it was really fun. This picture is Jenny Seal burning out of the arena after rounding the last barrel. It's my favorite barrel racing pic of all.
It was fun looking at your blog. The pictures are beautiful and the script interesting. Sounds like you have had a great summer and there is still more to come. Guess you will be seeing Jaclyn this weekend. REnee
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