Wednesday, May 23, 2007

last hurrah

Today was pretty interesting. We worked for campmeeting. The pastors all come in and set up the little cabin thingys, clean, stock the A^cBC, bother us, do repairs, and basically get everything ready.

I ended up with J.P., Toni Baker ('07 grad.), and Ethan Massey (staff kid/incoming freshman) cleaning bathrooms that haven't been used for a year. I don't think they were cleaned at the end of last year's campmeeting either. It took us from 8a-12:30p to clean the first set. They had dried puddles that had rust particles in them, so J.P. scrubbed the whole floor on her hands and knees. There were too many spiders to count, and lots of other bugs too. After tackling those bathrooms, we went down the hill to the other set. We got smart and used a pressure washer to do the floors and the tile looks (almost) brand new. The pastors said they hadn't ever seen the bathrooms that clean. We quit at 4:00p to have some R & R with the faculty.

Right before we left, Nikie and Chadd told Gabby and Olivia that they are going to have a baby. Olivia's reaction wasn't exactly genuine, given that she had already seen me with the camera. Gabby's, on the other hand, was real. Olivia did get on the bus and yell at Don, "Nikie's gonna have a baby!!!!"

Michael Patrick drove the bus with his learner's permit. It was his first time down the ridge. We weren't scared. His kids kept a close eye on him. Olivia asked him, "Daddy? What are you doing?" "Driving." "Why?"

We went to Dos Margaritas (don't worry, we didn't order even one) in Gallatin. They brought me a gigantic veggie quesadilla that I couldn't finish. I would have been fine with chips & salsa.

Jan Rogers (asst. foodservice) and Allison Rettger (asst. dean) are leaving, so we said goodbye to them and gave them presents. We didn't know that Jan made us presents too. She made every staff member and all of the staff kids fleece blankets. Mine has dogs on it. She made Don & J.P. one with all the milestones in their lives on it. It's pretty cool.

After stuffing ourselves with Mexican food, we hit Marble Slab for ice cream. I opted for the key lime with graham crackers mixed in. It was very yummy. Olivia had fun feeding it to me. I couldn't eat it as fast as she was cramming it in and then I started laughing, which made it worse. The other staff had fun watching and laughing AT me.

We had fun goofing off after we were done. Now I'm going to finish watching the season finale of LOST. Thank goodness for TiVo!

This might be the last exciting thing I do for a while, so we might hit a dry spell with the blog . . . we'll see.


golftooter 8:58 AM CDT  

my blog has gone the other way - when I am too busy I don't post. When I have nothing to do I can add to it.

whisperer 10:12 AM CDT  

I like your new heading on your blog it reminds me of " I didn't sleep for 10 days because that would be too long."

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