Friday, June 22, 2007

i'm back

I'm re-posting this with better-quality pictures of the pages that I scanned at work today. I had to scan each in half and put the halves together.
I know that I should be asleep right now . . . but I got started on these and had to finish them. :D

I've taken to using less pictures on each page lately. It makes choosing really hard because you have to represent whatever it is you're scrapbooking with less information. It's also good though, because you can focus on one aspect of something and have a real focus point.

Jaclyn and I were talking about how weird it is that humans strap themselves into these machines for the sheer thrill of being hurled through the air and making our brains and stomachs question our intelligence. So, "twisted" is our sense of fun. The stats are from Six Flags' website. I left off that all of those turns happen in 3 minutes! (heard something scary today [6/22] - girl got her feet cut off yesterday at Kentucky Kingdom's Superman ride [freefall] when a cable broke!)

I didn't do this page today, but didn't think I had ever posted it online. I still have to do the other half - us opening presents.

Ok, I got my creative fix. I can sleep now.


golftooter 12:48 PM CDT  

If you keep making scrapbook pages of every event in your life, you will never be able to move after you are about 30! Or maybe you can pay for the additional moving van yourself.

Nice looking pages.

Ryan and Jaclyn 7:00 PM CDT  

the word LAST is so depressing... yet so... exciting too because it means we're all entering a new chapter in our lives

Unknown 8:35 PM CDT  

you are amazing. :) i wish i had that creativity/patience! i had a good weekend. went to the beach yesterday and got hailed on. go figure. :) love ya

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