Monday, July 09, 2007


Sunday was Richard Trumper's birthday, so we all headed over to their house for a big birthday party. We celebrated the fact that Richard's even around to have a 60th year after his miraculous recovery from a brain tumor.

I played 7 Up or whatever you call it in your own home with JP, Renee, Tyler, Josh (pictured), and Raphan. JP came from behind and beat us!

Luane, Emily, and William tried a game of Uno.

After eating supper, a game or two of volleyball, and hanging out, we watched Richard blow out the candles (in 3 breaths). Fireworks were the last part of the action and then most people went home. I threatened to use this as Richard's Flix (like the Names & Faces or Joker) picture. His Mardi Gras-style necklace wouldn't have given him much authority to do dress code write ups this year!


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