Monday, January 21, 2008

blog about why i haven't blogged

This last couple of weeks has been pretty busy. We're in the midst of volleyball intramurals, which means I'm either playing or reffing most nights.

Last Thursday I went with the Gymnix to David Lipscomb University in Nashville. They did the halftime show for the Bisons' basketball game.

One of our Seniors, Michielle, flying high. She usually grabs the ceiling and hangs in smaller gyms.

I stole this from my cousin Jason's blog. He said this is his favorite picture of Zoe.

Ryan came for the weekend. We tried out the "Together Mittens" that Amy got us for Christmas!

I was on supervision for the weekend, so Ryan got to come to all of the school events with me. Saturday night we went bowling and took the kids to Dairy Queen (in case they weren't cold enough in the 10-degree weather).

Sunday was the NHS Induction & Honors Banquet. The banquet was Chinese-themed and the entertainment was 5 ladies from China doing 3 different cultural dances.

Nikie and Chadd asked me to come over and take pictures of Carson tonight. They're wanting one to put on a postcard like we did for our Save-the-Dates.

Don came over after the elementary school's board meeting. I don't think he was helping the situation in this picture. When I left, Carson was sacked out on his shoulder.


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