Sunday, March 23, 2008

i went to a fight and . . . you know the rest

Over the last 2 weeks, I got my first and second tastes of professional hockey. It seemed appropriate to go to a Predators game, since we've just started intramural hockey at Highland. My intramural team hasn't won a game, so I thought I'd go see the Preds do the same.

Ryan came just in time for us to leave for Nashville and make it to the game right as it started. We caught the national anthem (USA only to Ryan's dismay) and saw the giant saber-toothed tiger rise up above the crowd.

We knew that Chadd and his friends had come to the game, so after text-messaging to find out where he was, we moved to sit by him, Doug, Kelly, Gwen, and Mark (R to L). Our original seats were in section 304, which as you may not know, is next to section 303 (a.k.a. "Cellblock 303"). According to Wikipedia, "The group refers to themselves as 'the loudest section of the loudest arena in the NHL". While no reports of relative sound pressure levels have been cited by the group, the section's predetermined motivating and demoralizing chants towards the home and visiting teams respectively can be heard from many locations within the arena." I have to say that I agree.

The Preds were playing the L.A. Kings and ended up losing 4-1. Can you find the puck?


It just so happened that the following Thursday, Ryan was still here and Chadd & co. couldn't go to the Preds vs. Red Wings game they had tickets to. Andy, Bekki, Ryan, and I were happy to take the tickets off their hands.

Fans entering the Sommet Center (taken from the stairs going up to the 3rd deck of seats)

We got to the game in time to get down to the ice and watch the warm-ups.

Goalie Dan Ellis - played most if not all of the previous week's game, but not much of this one

The Red Wings and Predators have somewhat of a rivalry, I guess. Needless to say, this game was much different than the previous week's. Oh wait, wrong picture here . . . This was sumo hockey - I have to say, it looks like fun.

From the very beginning, this game was WAY more competitive. A Nashville fan threw a catfish onto the ice to get things started (a tradition against the Red Wings started on Oct. 30, 2003, in response to a Detroit tradition of throwing octopuses onto the ice [read the Wikipedia article - it's really interesting]).

Here are some Detroit chants from Section 303:

Detroit Taunts

  • De-troit Dead Things (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap) Ge-ri-a-trics (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap)
  • Your underwear is the same color as your uniforms
  • Your nail polish is the same hue as your uniforms
  • Stop the Red Menace from spreading
  • Real reason for octopus tradition: A perfect mascot for Wings ‘cause they’re both smelly, slimy, spineless bottom feeders
  • Defeat the Red Army
  • The Salvation Army called…they want their Santa suits back
  • I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
  • Red Wings: Whin-ers!
  • Age and treachery will occasionally triumph over youth and skill

Another break, but this time to sling the Easter Bunny in some bunny bowling.

I think this happened more than actual playing. Penalties elicit chants of "Awwwww, sit down, ya loser!" to the visiting team. Penalties against the Preds mean an announcement that "The Red Wings are on the power play." to which we respond, "And they still suck!" Also heard often were "Chelios is a sissy!" and "Datsyuk, you SUCK!" See the Cellblock website if you're interested in more. Don't worry, they have them for every team. There are even songs.

We almost had a fight break out near us between fans!

One of my favorite things that happened was when a Preds' stick came between two pieces of the Plexiglas. Lucky fan . . . wish I had been sitting there to get that souvenir. They sell game sticks at the store for $175.

The Preds lost 6-3, but those three goals for us were sure exciting, especially since they all came in the 3rd period. The whole game was really fun to watch and you can't help but get into it with such an . . . um, . . . interactive crowd.


whisperer 7:29 AM CDT  


Tara Petersen 2:51 PM CDT  

Awesome! I'm so excited to have a team I can be proud of. :) There's something so primeval about hockey, it's not a good game unless there are a few fights. I feel like I'm watching the Gladiators sometimes! Miss you

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