Saturday, April 26, 2008


Ryan's here for the weekend and we enjoyed the more relaxed parts last night and today. I know this isn't the greatest picture, but I like it because we're being silly. Ryan befriended Bobtail by feeding her bits of orange rolls left from breakfast! We saw a black snake in the path on the way to Don & J.P.'s and Ryan wouldn't let me catch it, so it got away. :(

Carson started off tonight's Gymnix homeshow. Don said he did this with Nikie the year she was born for their homeshow at Fletcher.

Can you read the theme? Their costumes were pretty interesting and varied, to say the least.

The Newmyer brothers demonstrate death-defying (well, not really) feats. Bradley balances the ring and Tyler jumps through. This is part of their "circus" routine.

Wide view - Ryan and I watched a lot of the show from up in the back of the gym. Best seats in the house!


Surfs Up 7:43 AM CDT  

I must have been eating my Subway when Carson opened the show, I didn't realize he did that up front!!

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