baby Carson!, softball buddies, & Highland farewells
Carson's really starting to reach for things now, and if you're holding a cup, you'd better watch out! He likes to grab them and lick the condensation off the sides! This is the view from the cup's perspective.
Carson blowing out his diaper gave me the chance to be there when he took a bath and got cleaned up before Chadd's softball game Monday. I took a bunch of pictures of Carson laying on his towel after he got out.
There's a family that drives an hour and a half to come to the Monday night guys' softball games. They have two kids, Maddy and Easton (yes, like the bat!) and another on the way we just found out Monday! When we got out of the car, Easton walked up to Nikie and hugged her legs. She said, "Nice hat." His reply, very matter of factly: "It's a Cubbies hat."
Wednesday night, we had a going-away party for Don, J.P., Luane, Carlyle, and Rachel. After eating potluck- style, we sat around and told funny stories about the staff who are leaving.
Some hilarious stories surfaced, especially about Don driving the bus. It was really fun to see how all of the staff had been impacted by the five people leaving. Some, including Jifer and Nikie, had the others as staff, and it was fun hearing stories from them.
Carson, Gabby, and Olivia (who thinks Carson is her brother)
Don & J.P. are going to Southern next year. Don will be the facility manager for the new wellness center and J.P. will be girls' dean for Southern Village.Carlyle is taking a PE, intramurals, & gymnastics coach position at Blue Mountain Academy. He said at the party that he's going to be a gymnastics missionary.
Luane's retiring after 43 years teaching, 30 at Highland. She's still going to teach Bell Choir next year, we hope!
Rachel is leaving after her year of task force deaning to go back to Southern to finish her communications major.
Needless to say, the Personnel Committee was very glad to hear today that I AM staying! Ryan took a job at Millersville Elem. School as their PE teacher. You can read his blog to see pictures.
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