Wednesday, July 16, 2008

blog from the holy land

This week I'm helping with our church's VBS by taking pictures at the elem. gym.

This is the third year of a series of VBS programs about Jesus. This year is about his crucifixion. Ryan's helping too, as Peter in the skits.

Each kid is in one of the twelve tribes. They have bandannas with their tribe names. We start divided into tribes then come together at the "gathering place" where Becky P. leads songs (1st pic). Lily [Zebulun] and her mom Bliss were getting into the music last night.

After the songs, everyone goes back to their tribe groups where the leaders teach them a lesson for each night. Then, they go to their rotations of crafts, snacks, animals, games, etc. There are 12 booths/activities.

Zebulun learning how to play with a dradle
See my feet?

The barnyard is a popular rotation. Gabby [Naphtali] posed with one of the horses from Monday.

Olivia [Issachar] looked a little nervous about the goat, but she wasn't really. I think she'd give it a run for its money!

Stephanie, this is one of those things that just looks funny when everyone's in costume. Will plays the Roman soldier in the skits. His daughter Samantha [Benjamin] was just tired. Did they have pacifiers in the Bible?

The goat

We also had a German shepherd named Sarge

And since I stayed until the (almost) end, I got some of the goodies the ladies in the kitchen made for the VBS volunteers. There were at least 4 kinds of bread with oil/herbs or honey/yogurt to dip it in, depending on the bread of course. The fruit was really good too!

Maybe I'll post more pictures after tomorrow of Ryan's acting debut . . . It will be my last night since we're heading to Winston Salem for the weekend!


Stephanie 9:15 AM CDT  

That looks really cool! I wanna go!

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