Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is the basil I've been growing. It took a while to get bigger than sprout-size, but once I thinned it, it really took off. This is after one plucking to make pesto.

The number of hummers in the back yard has really increased since we've been back in the last week. I went outside with my flash this time to see what that would do for the pictures.

This picture makes me laugh because of the top right bird. It looks like a UFO or something. The freezing of the picture makes things look peaceful, but when they fight you can hear beaks clacking and feathers rubbing. You can also see in the picture how the hummers use their tails to steer.

Randy Bishop was out walking the loop, so Abner came over and helped me chase birds. He could never find a decent stick for me to throw, so he didn't stick around long.

We only have one feeder in the front yard. It's one I got from my Rilea grandparents for my birthday a couple of years ago. The birds like having a place to escape to from the backyard, but they fight over this one too.

Can you find the hummer? I circled her for you. This was after the flash scared her from the perch position.

Here's a flash picture of a bird simultaneously eating and watching her back - flying up between drinks. You never know when you might be attacked while slurping nectar!

I don't like the way flash makes the birds' eyes look - kinda milky. It is fun seeing the birds react to the flash. They all jump. I wonder if they think it's lightning?!


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