Tuesday, November 03, 2009

a birthday, a visit, & ravioli

Ryan and I went to Collegedale and Calhoun for the weekend to see family. My cousin Jason was coming for his first visit since moving to Prague in 2006. He brought Mirka and Zoe! We spent Sabbath down there with the family.

Grant & Ella before lunch

Grandma & Ryan

Kirsten, Grant, Grandpa Jack, & mom

singing "Happy Birthday" to Grandma Dut


Zoe blowing kisses at Aunt Tonda

I made Grandma, Jeremy, and Aunt Tonda pose in the rain for a picture since they all matched so well. :)

Dum-dums, anyone?

the kids waiting for trick-or-treaters

Zoe checking out her spots before heading outside

and they're off!

Evan was a fire truck

Zoe & Ella


the little vampire returns home with his candy

Kirsten & Grant showing Grandma Dut pictures

Sunday was spent at McKay's (used books) before mom & dad headed back to NC. Then 7 of us went to the Olive Garden to make sure the food was still good.

waiting for a table

waiting for breadsticks and salad

right after I tried one of those peppers in the salad for the first time ever

and Marble Slab pumpkin ice cream for dessert!


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