Sunday, March 28, 2010

spring in our steps

Ryan and I headed into our little town of Portland on Sabbath afternoon to check out the paved trail around Richland Park. It wasn't too hilly to keep Ryan from dribbling a hockey ball the whole way around.

One thing we came across was a memorial to Portland members of the military who died in battle. We found Willard F. Ray, Jr. listed under Marine Corps for WWII, son of the principal of Highland Academy who the ad building is named after.

After some parking lot hockey, we noticed that Nikie and Carson had arrived. Ryan is trying to convince Carson to try out the tunnel.

see me in the reflection?

trying out the biggest slide

the big kid tries the big slide - and yes, the rollerblades are still on his feet...

taking the tunnel to the twisty slide

Nikie, Ryan, and Carson

Carson wins the race - his prize? . . . static hair

And last night we got out the Ticket to Ride game that Nikie and Chadd got me for my birthday. (I was green)

traffic at Kansas City


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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