Saturday, September 04, 2010

backyard birds

We enjoyed watching the flurry of activity around the back yard this morning before church.  Who knew how much strapping a dead branch to my shepherd's rod would entice the birds to come and hang out?

2010.09.04 - waiting

The early-morning directional light was great for taking pictures of the bird activity out back.

2010.09.04 - visiting flowers

2010.09.04 - hummer enjoys the flowers
I moved the plant Anita bought me over near the hummingbird feeder and it was a hit! The birds had been visiting it in its previous location, but they seemed to like the move a lot.

2010.09.04 - goldfinch

2010.09.04 - imm. male

Here's why the dead branch is cool - I get to take natural looking pictures that aren't! All the birds love it =)


Anonymous 3:47 PM CDT  

You take the best bird photo. :) - Tara

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