Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas reading

 I haven't read as much as I thought I would over this break.  Here are the three books I've read cover-to-cover:

Her Daughter's Dream is the second of two books recently released by Francine Rivers - definitely a family saga.  They're both really good and I recommend reading them both.  It's a big book and I read it in about two days.

 Chip The Dam Builder, c. 1950
by Jim Kjelgaard (same author as Big Red, which was made into a Disney movie)

I read this from Knoxville, TN to Hickory, NC during our drive to mom & dad's before Christmas.  It tells about a beaver and his run-ins with lots of other animals: lynx, owl, bear, deer, otter, muskrats, etc.  Ryan got this book as a discard from the Oshawa Public Library.  When I was trying to find a picture of the cover for the blog, I discovered that used copies go for at least $50 on the Internet!

Hell's Corner (refers to the park in front of the White House)

I got this for my mom for Christmas and read it in about a day. =)

There's still time for more books!


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