Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm gonna go crazy

I have more things to do before December than is physically possible. It will be interesting to see how everything comes together. I don't even want to make a "To Do" list of everything because it would be too depressing.

On the topic of depressing, I'm in statistics again, where some people think that if they yell their questions at the teacher all at once, they will somehow gain greater understanding of probabilities using the normal curve. Sorry for the run-on sentence, but it had to come out.

I am HUNGRY! I didn't get a real lunch and I only had some of the casserole my roommate made before biking back over here. I miss having someone cook for me. It's just me being lazy...

I got to play with a pygmy rattlesnake today in First Responder class. Mike (my teacher) used it in one of our scenarios. Afterward, we sat in a circle and he let it out of the pillowcase. It only struck once. It was QUICK. Any movement made it jerk its head around to watch. Pretty cool, although illegal. They get to be 15-32" long and live as far north as North Carolina. It's little rattle sounded like a cell phone vibrating. Some guys in my class decided it would be funny if Mike came back and the snake was gone, so they dumped it into one of his wader boots and left the empty pillowcase in his office. They got caught though, and then couldn't remember which boot they had left the snake in. Uh...?


Unknown 8:11 PM CST  

Cool! What a nice little snake... :)

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