Monday, November 07, 2005

lazy Monday

I don't feel like doing much today. This is not good, considering I had a presentation at my 12:00 class and have a test over APA style (might as well be rocket science) tonight at 6. Luckily, the teacher for my evening class is sick and we can leave after our test. So all I have to do is study for the quiz/test from 5:00-6:00 so I can pass it. I think it's stupid to have a test over something that hasn't been talked about in class...

I had the lovely experience of attending a 2-year-old's birthday party. Chaos is the only word to describe 20+ kids running around knocking over swingsets, chasing rabbits and ducks, and trying to be the first one to get cake. I don't know what my cousin was thinking inviting that many people. It must be the expensive presents.

I'm currently sitting in the computer lab waiting for my 500 pages to start printing. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just 500 pages, but no. It's 1200 total, front and back. I have to get this done so I can learn how to deliver babies at 3:30 for First Responder class.

I guess you can't say my life isn't interesting. School keeps me busy, that's for sure!


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