Friday, February 10, 2006

naps are wonderful

Here I am, wide awake at almost 10p. After having a terrible headache all day, I crashed this afternoon at about 4:15 and slept until after 7:00. Needless to say, I didn't make it to vespers this evening . . . I feel great now. I made oatmeal cookies (and somehow got within 1 cookie of the supposed amount of 4 1/2 dozen), cleaned the bathroom, dusted the chandelier & TV, and did lots of dishes. And the most amazing part of this Friday (besides Lindsey updating her blog) . . . I DIDN'T GO TO WALMART. (I threw that in for Jaclyn, who thinks I have some kind of addiction.)

Today was an ok day at school. The kids were bouncing off the walls because their Sweetheart Dance for Valentine's was tonight. Me giving them candy in class (it was educational, ok, to demonstrate chemical energy) probably didn't help the situation any. I told them to go use their chemical energy to bother other teachers. ;) I had a demo set up for the beginning of class to introduce chemical energy by mixing baking soda and vinegar to show how carbon dioxide is released and will blow up a balloon. Well, I probably should have gotten new balloons, because three of them busted and got the nasty mixture all over me. I was wearing goggles after the first time this happened, to model lab safety. :) We also made batteries out of potatoes to power digital clocks.

Jaclyn, Stephanie, and I headed over to the Heilmans' last night for Ryan's belated party. I think I had the most fun racing scooters around the basement with Stephanie. We did have one mishap going into the first turn, though. I ran over her foot, which caused her to wipe out, then I fell on the ground too. The good thing is that it was recorded on video, thanks to Jaclyn. After that, John Locke and I delivered a crushing defeat in foosball to Jaclyn & Ryan. I'd put some game stats up, but no one really cares.

Um, last thing . . . If you haven't seen Heather's pictures of their new baby, Sydney, you need to head on over to her blog at She's so cute!

Well, tomorrow promises to be wet, cold, and nasty in general. Just when I don't have to be locked in a building all day, the weather plots against me.

This is a picture of the sandhill cranes wintering at the Hiawassee River Wildlife Refuge just north of here. We went there on birding trips last year and this year. We also saw 7 bald eagles this year when we went.


Unknown 12:25 PM CST  

supposedly the snow that montie and heather and david were playing in last weekend.... :) anyways, sounds like you ahd a cool day at school! i bet those kids love u. it's so funny to think of little ones like that going to a "dance" isn't it? :) i guess if we'd started that young we might have some rhythm too... :) anyways, hope you have a great week! love ya,


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