Friday, April 28, 2006

i think i'm tagged . . .

Uh . . . I don't really understand this whole "tagged" business. It started with Jeana, moved to Stephanie, and got Jaclyn too. I think since I read Jaclyn's blog (as did many of you people who haven't done this) I'm supposed to post the 6 weird facts/insights/etc. about myself for other people to read. If you are a person that was tagged looking at this, then do the same on your blog!

1. This time in 2 weeks (do you see the pattern here?) I will be getting ready to drive to Highland for my training for a job that's not at all related to my degree. I'm stepping onto a moving treadmill, I think . . .

2. I don't like writing . . . AT ALL. This fact about me has been brought to you by Dr. Swafford's neverending torture called vague papers about some book I was supposed to read . . . I'm not even sure what to turn in.

3. I don't sleep well until it's almost time to get up. Then, to Jaclyn's dismay and frustration, I like to argue with my alarm clock in the morning about whether it really is the time I should get out of bed or not by hitting the SNOOZE! button an average of, oh I'd say, at least 3 times.

4. To mirror Jaclyn's responses again, I only use Colgate toothpaste (the gel kind). Colgate toothpaste is the one health & beauty item that is constant in my life. Pretty much every other thing is subject to being replaced by the newest/"best"/brightest/weirdest/least expensive/most expensive item I find on the shelf. I rarely find something I can't part with to try something new. (All those ads on TV - they're for me. Too bad I don't really watch TV.)

5. When I start cleaning, I suddenly take on the OCD side of myself and have to clean just about everything and in a certain order. Now, to me, the order is just common sense and I can't understand, for instance, why someone would clean a floor before the countertops!?! Granted, my cleaning streaks usually happen when I'm trying to avoid something that seems like even less fun to do, like homework. Coincidence? Nope.

6. And for my last fact/insight . . . I kinda like the smell of skunks. They don't smell terrible to me, is what I'm trying to say (plus they're cute). I guess I came to the right college. I thought that fact was random enough to save for last.

Now you're wondering how you got stuck in the Internet black hole of blogging and are trying to hit the back button faster than your browser will load. I don't blame you . . . ;)


Unknown 5:16 AM CDT  

carrie you crack me up.... :) as much as you hate writing, you're a great blogger.... :) thanks for your email today! good luck moving out, graduating, and all that.. :) i wish i could be there! look in your mail box when you get home :)

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