Monday, April 24, 2006

i put the "special" in special ed.

So today I got to teach 2 periods of the pre-inclusion (special ed.) kids' classes for Mrs. Amos while she did M-teams for our 6th graders who are being promoted. We just did two worksheets and they weren't too bad. The kids at school are crazy, overall. It's not just one group of them. They are just coming off of a whole week of testing and have about one month of school left and no academic requirements. I don't understand the whole system as it stands right now. Why leave time after the summative evaluation?

I finished my portfolio tonight. It's not due until Thursday. I wanted to get it out of the way so I can spend the next couple of nights wrapping up my independent study for School Leadership. I realized today that Dr. Swafford doesn't even remember what exactly he told me to do in the first place, so as long as I turn something in, I should be just fine. Plus, he extended my deadline until next Thursday, without me asking him too. This class is why my MSN thing has said "deadlines amuse me" for the last few days.

I am heading into a week of time off, basically, with some much-deserved fun interspersed throughout. Ryan, Jaclyn, and I are going to the GA Aquarium next Thursday, and we'll be going to at least one Lookouts game next week. I'm excited. That's why I have to get this junk done and just cruise into graduation.

I'm off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin!


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