Sunday, April 23, 2006

a river walk

Yesterday was a really nice day outside once the thunderstorms and downpours went away, so Mary Jane, Randy, Jaclyn, Stephanie, Amy, Jeremy, and I (we missed you Ryan!) decided to take ourselves down to the Riverwalk. It's about 10-13 miles long, depending on what you include, and goes from the Chickamauga Dam to Ross's Landing downtown.

Amy & Jeremy met up with some friends and biked down to Coolidge park. We didn't have a way to get the rest of the bikes down to the Riverwalk, so we parked a little past the Chatt State campus and walked (I rollerbladed) back toward the dam and watched guys fishing. There were LOTS of great blue herons everywhere, perched on the dam and rocks. They fished almost like pelicans, only they didn't dive all the way under the water. The fish were definitely abundant, because both the herons and fishermen were catching a lot!

We got back down to where we had parked and got all of the food out to eat. After Stephanie had a couple of bolono blunders, we finally could eat our sandwiches. I wasn't quite hungry yet because I stuffed myself full at lunch, but it was good anyway.

We got out the ball gloves and Jeremy's giant frisbee after we ate. Jaclyn and I alternated between playing frisbee, playing catch, and playing with my camera. Randy took a LOT of pictures too, mostly of playing frisbee. He got some funny videos (that both include Stephanie looking spastic) of the frisbee too.

It was really nice getting to be outside for most of the beautiful day. Especially because the rest of last week was totally rainy and stormy. We even had one day where the sky was a sickly green color. Even though we need the rain, I'm glad to have days like yesterday - especially when they end up being on Sabbath.


MJ 4:49 AM CDT  

That was a really fun afternoon, even if we did have to walk/roll. I'll sure miss you around here after you pull out Sunday, Carrie. You better come often to visit us next year, and we'll see you this summer at Nosoca :)

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