Thursday, June 29, 2006

i'm still here!

Well, tomorrow I have to head home. It's kind of funny that my last day here will be my day off for this week. I'm not even sure that they should have given me one at all, since I'm missing Sabbath anyway. Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks.
Believe it or not, Stephanie and I have gotten out of the office once or twice to take some personal time floating in the ool (notice there is no "p" in it; we'd like to keep it that way). A fight in the shallow end followed shortly after this picture was taken. Grace did a good job documenting it, but you don't need to see all of those pictures. ; )

Fords and Heilmans came to visit last weekend. People kept talking to Jaclyn like she was Stephanie, as usual.

This was the longest I've gone without seeing Jaclyn in a while. I guess I'm going to have to get used to that.
Stephanie was nice enough to take pictures of me barrel racing at the Ranger Rick's Wild West Show & Congress of Rough Riders of the World. The staff member with the fastest time for the summer gets a belt buckle. I think it will be Roxanne. She did really well last night.


MJ 7:51 AM CDT  

Well, this is it. I'm sure it's a sad day for you, leaving camp before it's over. I like the pictures! Did you see my blog update that I did yesterday? Check it out. We didn't take enough pictures last weekend when we were there. I had to borrow from Jaclyn's blog. Sounds like you were privy to some interesting conversation at Subway last night!

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