Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I just can't resist putting cute kittens on here. We're down to 3 now. Mom sold Josh and Jerry and we still have Reo, Myrrh[gatroid], and Lily (who Grant has claimed for his own). Myrrh is holding Lily's head while she sleeps.

This is Reo. He looks the most like Solomon. He has an umbilical hernia, so he was always the male I could tell apart from the others.

A 10-foot U-Haul truck was the perfect size to move all of my stuff to Tennessee. After this week alone, I'll have more stuff than will fit back in there! I'm having a washer & dryer delivered tomorrow.

Here's a family shot in front of the truck. Too bad you can't actually see us because of the high-contrast shadows & sunlight on our faces! It's ok, we were all hot and gross anyway.

Here's one of my drive-by pictures from the move!


whisperer 11:36 AM CDT  

My, what beautiful kitty cats! We miss Carrie already! Even tho she hasn't been home much lately. She feels further away now. Carrie's mom

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