Yesterday turned out to be an unusual day for me. I left campus with Nikie at 12:00p to go order our softball team's shirts at a place in Gallatin. on the way, we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick lunch. After ordering kelly green shirts (Nikie wouldn't go for camo), I dropped Nikie off at Walmart to pick something up for J.P. and I drove to the Nissan dealership. I had to drop off a receipt for them sponsoring a hole in our golf tournament. We then drove back into Portland to go to the bank and deposit lots of money. Our final stop was to pick up Sonic blasts for my faculty family kids. By the time we did all that, it was 2:30p.
Last night, I went with Nikie and got a pedicure in Portland from a little Vietnamese lady. I'm pretty sure it's not worth what you pay, but oh well. You can be the judge of how my feet look! When we got back, I watched The Pursuit of Happyness with Nikie and went home around 10:00p.Today will be almost as crazy, except all the running around at lunch time. I'll probably eat at home today. I am teaching photography for Don at 1:00p. We're taking motion shots of cars driving by on 109. We'll see how that goes. At least it's nice out. Yesterday we could have taken motion shots of rain.
I'm going with Nikie to the coaches' meeting for our softball league in Hendersonville at 6:30, then we're going to buy Nikie a new glove for the season. You'll be seeing softball pics on here before too long!
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