Tuesday, August 07, 2007

back from the EDGE

If you teach in the Southern Union, you understand the title of this blog. I just got back late this morning from ICC. I can't even describe to you how much I do not want to sit and listen to anyone else talk. That's all we did for the entire time at the camp. No entertainment, no mingling time, no free time, no fun. And let's just say that I don't ever want to go to Hawaii now either.

Anyway, I had a good first part of the weekend visiting Ryan. We spent most of the time looking at possible apartments for him for this year, but did go boating Friday afternoon, and shopping Sunday. We spent most of Sabbath inside because it was so HOT. If only I had known what hot really was . . .

This past weekend was Tennessee's tax holiday for back-to-school shopping, so we hit the stores Sunday to see if anything we wanted fell in that category. I bought a new bathing suit at Belk and got some CDs and books from McKay's.

Laura Ashlock lead out in song service in the mornings. She's teaching at Madison Campus Elem. this year.

And this is the extent of what we did all day . . . sit. Conrad Gill came and talked to the secondary teachers about what they're doing to implement programs that support EDGE.

Highland staff after leaving the Hawaii nightmare. I'm pretty sure everyone else was jealous of us because we had more fun than they did. People kept coming and telling us (but mostly Becky) to keep it down.

I stayed in 8C, the 3rd building up in this picture. The "cabins" are pretty nice, but I did have to sleep on a tiny plastic mattress. I slept ok though, but will be very glad to be back in my own bed tonight!

View of the cafe from up by the cabins. All of the people who had laptops with wireless would congregate in the hallway outside of the cafeteria to get Internet access. They looked kinda like homeless people with laptops, all strewn about on the floor.


golftooter 10:07 PM CDT  

So now you know how it feels to be a student sitting in a classroom all day listening to lectures.

Maybe that was their objective. You know, negative reinforcement of the Edge concept.

Anonymous 6:03 AM CDT  

Hey, I'm pretty sure that other girl in the pink shirt singing is the daughter of one of our claims examiners. I can't remember her first name... maybe Kristy? Last name de Melo, that is if she has the same as her mom, parents divorced not sure if the mom went back to her maiden name. Anyway, must finish getting ready. I'll try to catch you online later. I had something I wanted to ask you about but the lack of cell phone towers rudely interrupted us! :-)

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