Friday, December 07, 2007

mmm . . . marshmallowy goodness

I forgot to put this picture on my last blog. It's the Willow Tree nativity set the girls got me last year. I love it! It's sitting on top of my entertainment center.

It's that time of year again . . . . . Faculty Family Vespers! This year I have 6 girls who are all seniors. Clockwise from the top left are April, Gianna, Natalie, Candace, Andie, and Erika. I know you will remember and appreciate the back of their heads.

After eating lots of pizza, veggies, chips, and apple crisp, we painted ornaments again this year. I found some cute ones at Hobby Lobby that were unfinished. They were more fun to paint than the plain shapes we had last year. Ornament painting evolved into face painting.

Gianna meticulously paints her stocking ornament

Natalie's picture frame ornament

Candace the reindeer contemplates the meaning of Christmas as she sits by the tree.

I spiced things up by getting out my mini-marshmallow gun. I managed to shoot one straight into Candace's mouth! They all want one now. That's what I should have made them for Christmas . . .

Yes, this is exactly what it looks like. Why didn't I think of it sooner?

Group shot

And with ornaments!
(L to R: Erika, Gianna, Andie, Natalie, Candace, April)


Erik and Tara 1:21 AM CST  

oh that looks like fun! makes me homesick for christmas cheer. :) you really fixed your house up nice! it's still weird that you are a teacher and faculty family member. doesn't it sometimes seem like just yesterday (and others ages ago) that WE were the kids?! :) miss you!

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