Saturday, May 10, 2008

more like Sabbath

Something about a nature walk just makes it feel more like Sabbath. I drove to Radnor Lake on the south side of Nashville to go birding with John, Anita, Big "D" and whoever else showed up.

Most of birding doesn't involve watching birds . . . it involves the art of explaining which twig in the immense forest the ____ warbler is sitting on. Mostly it looks like this picture.

Here's a list from today:
american goldfinch
american redstart (m/f)
american robin
bald eagle
barn swallow
blackburnian warbler
blackpoll warbler
black-throated green warbler
blue-gray gnatcatcher (also in nest)
canada goose
chestnut-sided warbler
downy woodpecker
eastern bluebird
eastern wood-pewee
eastern phoebe
gray catbird
indigo bunting
magnolia warbler
northern cardinal
prothonotary warbler
red-eyed vireo
rough-winged swallow
ruby-throated hummingbird
summer tanager
swainson's thrush
white-eyed vireo
wood duck (m/f)

I'm really mad that I didn't realize the ISO had gotten bumped to 1600 somehow. Oh well. No picture of this bird with my camera would have been that clear. This prothonotary warbler is nesting in a box behind one of their buildings.

Joined by a phoebe

Three rough-winged swallows rested before embarking on flying maneuvers the Blue Angels couldn't touch.


Jaclyn, don't these flowers look exactly (minus the color) like the flowers we bought for the arbor?

Can anyone ID this flower?


whisperer 10:48 AM CDT  

the flower is a wild geranium. Glad you got to see lots of nice birdies. We took some of the kittens outside. Sparrow had fun stalking Solomon and he saw a bird too!

golftooter 2:38 PM CDT  

until I saw your warbler photo I was sure you had msde half of the names up - you really couldn't have been so lucky. Guess I am going to have to tag along sometime with you.

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