Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Groundhog Day Eve?

Today was a nice day because for class I let the kids play with magnets (at my cooperating teacher's request). The kids came up front and presented something they made or could do with magnets that they figured out during the "play" time. I think something a little more structured would have helped them learn more, but whatever. Chaos + pandemonium + destruction = 6th grade science, apparently.

Tomorrow, we're doing the taxonomy of the groundhog in honor of Groundhog Day. Let's hope for 6 weeks of actual winter, including snow please. Actually, I don't care what the temperature is as long as we don't have so much rain. Nasty squishy ground . . .

Now that I have sat down at the computer, I feel very sleepy. I have gotten into the bad habit of taking naps late in the evening (like after 5:00p), which are not conducive to a good night's sleep. Last night, I woke up at midnight thinking it was time to get ready for school . . . Hmm.


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