Monday, July 23, 2007

more favorite pics

I didn't downsize most of these pictures . . . partly because I forgot, but mostly because I didn't think about it.* They're pictures from the past (is that what time-lapse photography means?)
*I'm posting this late at night, so that made sense to me. It was supposed to say "mostly because I'm lazy."

Family pic of us at the zoo. It helps to bring a 5th person to photograph the rest of you!

These are other pictures from Joy's of dad's that I liked. Grandma Dut told me today that Evan has started really crawling.

I stayed with Ella in her double bed. Much to my surprise, I got one Croc mailed to me last week . I guess they didn't look very far under the bed for #2!

Here's a lovely shot of me & my parents at IHOP. I'm pretty sure we reached the point when the camera should have beeped a warning or something.

At Grandma Dut's apartment, Ella had fun throwing the suction cup ball and watching it stick. She tried to pull it off of my dad's glasses, but when she pulled the glasses started coming off. She jerked her hand off like she had touched a stove.

We had a discussion at home about what a group of cats is called. I told Grant that we have finally achieved "herd" status, but it's not the right word. Anyone know the collective term? Does pride apply to pansy house cats?

The cats in this pic are (heads L to R): Mia, Solomon, Weezer, Lily, Myrrh, and Sheba. (Or we could go by their aliases Solomon=Solomander, Solomonster; Weezer=Weeza; Lily=Lilliput, Willy; Myrrh=Murgatroid, Myrtle; Sheba=Shebaby)

In case you were wondering, it is possible to wear a cat and a hood on your head at the same time. Weezer did pretty good in there for a while, but not long enough to balance by himself long enough to get out the camera. He didn't even smile :(


Anonymous 2:49 AM CDT  

tee hee! i like the last two. :) i hope that cat is de-clawed!

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