Friday, August 22, 2008

amazing what you can capture with a big lens

Intramurals have started again at Highland. For softball, our first sport, Chadd had staff pick the six teams. These pictures are of the first two games, Double-play vs. In-a-Pickle and In the Clutch vs. Swiffer. My team is called Corked and we've lost our first two games (Wed., Thurs.) pretty badly.

Steve Baughman flies around the bases

Raphan, Janelle, and Katie watch their team, Double-play

Randy and Ryan take in the action

Senior Rachel looks for a high pitch

My buddy Maggie (many of you have met her in Collegedale)

Chadd runs out to make a call on Chris's run-down, or "pickle"

Kayla watches her team, Swiffer, while they bat

Carson's not to interested at the moment

Low-light panning glove trade-off


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